Tiana Williams-Claussen

Tiana Williams-Claussen in the field holding a large bird

Tiana is conducting intersectional analysis of the conservation of prey-go-neesh, or California Condors, in the North Coast of California. Specifically, her project will seek to review and analyze the 19-year journey toward successful reintroduction of prey-go-neesh to Yurok ancestral territory, with particular focus on the complexities of integrating federal, tribal, and state legislation into northern California condor restoration, and critical milestones in overcoming related barriers. This will include assessment and delineation of logistical barriers to establishing a new site, historical and current lack of recognition of tribal sovereignty and capacity as land stewards; federal, tribal, and state legislation which were not initially compatible; and failure to include long-term management planning inclusive of the full historical California condor range, and region-specific restoration priorities and stakeholder needs. It will culminate in an assessment of the mechanisms that were ultimately required to overcome these difficulties in order to develop and implement a regionally integrated California condor restoration approach.