Faculty & Staff

The Wildlife faculty is a team of ecologists with expertise in conservation, animal behavior, disease, environmental ethics, population ecology, spatial ecology, urban ecology, and wildlife-habitat relationships.

General Contact

(707) 826-3953
Wildlife & Fisheries building, Room 220


Department Chair

  • Dr. Daniel Barton

    Daniel Barton

    * Graduate Faculty

    Vice-Chair & Professor

    Life history evolution, basic and applied population ecology, and wildlife conservation. Courses taught: Conservation Biology, Principles of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Ecology and Management, Ecology of Wildlife Populations.

  • Barbara Clucas

    Barbara Clucas

    * Graduate Faculty

    Chair & Associate Professor

    Research Interests: Conservation Biology, Urban Ecology and Animal Behavior.

    Barbara's full bio »


Adjunct Faculty & Research Associates

  • Dr. Tim Bean

    William "Tim" Bean

    Adjunct Professor

    Spatial and landscape ecology, especially in rodents and other small mammals; uniting novel spatial methods in GIS and remote sensing with traditional field work to aid management; historical ecology and wildlife in the humanities; conservation science.

    William "Tim"'s full bio »

  • Dr. Alan Franklin

    Alan Franklin

    Adjunct Professor

    Research interest inclue: Ecology and dynamics of wildlife populations, especially in the context of management and conservation problems (e.g., northern spotted owls), quantitative ecology, and wildlife disease ecology at the wildlife-agricultural interface. Dr. Franklin is a Supervisory Research Biologist and Project Leader at the USDA National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, CO.

  • Brian Hudgens, Ph.D.

    Brian Hudgens

    Adjunct Professor

    Quantitative ecology and conservation biology. Integrating field studies with population models to predict population dynamics, disease spread in, and dispersal of rare, threatened and endangered species. Study species include amphibians, birds, birds and carnivores. Dr. Hudgens is a research ecologist at the Institute for Wildlife Studies in Arcata, CA.

  • Sharon Kahara

    Sharon Kahara

    Research Associate

    Wetland ecosystem functioning in natural and modified landscapes as well as wetland wildlife use. Past research activities included evaluating impacts of urbanization on aquatic systems in a developing country, and investigating effects of climate and human activities on wetland ecosystem service delivery.

  • Dr. Nicholas Kerhoulas

    Nicholas Kerhoulas

    * Graduate Faculty

    Lecturer & Research Associate

    Conservation and management of alpine and arboreal mammals, biogeography, phylogenetics, and conservation genetics. Courses include: Conservation Biology, Management of Mammals.

  • Dr. Seafha Ramos

    Seafha Ramos

    Lecturer & Research Associate

    Research interests include small mammal and mesocarnivore ecology, conservation genetics, traditional ecological knowledge in wildlife conservation, human dimensions of wildlife. Course taught: Wildlife Seminar

Emeritus Faculty

  • Richard  Botzler, Ph.D.

    Richard Botzler

    Professor Emeritus

    Ecology of Wildlife Diseases, Environmental Ethics

  • Dr. Mark Cowell

    Mark Colwell

    * Graduate Faculty

    Professor Emeritus

    Shorebird ecology, management of wetlands for shorebirds, refuge design. Courses include: Ornithology, Conservation Biology, Management of Shorebirds, Birds and Human Society.

    Mark's full bio »

  • T. Luke George

    T. Luke George

    Professor Emeritus

    Passerine (songbird) ecology, forest management effects on wildlife, forest fragmentation, island bird populations

  • Richard Golightly

    Richard Golightly

    Professor Emeritus

    Animal energetics, forest carnivore ecology, nesting ecology of Marbled Murrelets.

  • Ralph Gutierrez

    Ralph Gutierrez

    Professor Emeritus

    Game Bird Ecology, with particular emphasis on the spotted owl; habitat relationships of wildlife with an emphasis on sustainable wildlife management strategies for forest-dwelling species.

  • David Kitchen

    David Kitchen

    Professor Emeritus

    Ungulate behavior and ecology, wildlife ethology.

  • Archie Mossman

    Archie Mossman

    Professor Emeritus

    Game Management, Wildlife Utilization and Game Ranching


  • Gilly Black, Ph.D.

    Gilly Black

    Academic Advisor & Lecturer

    Gilly Black is the Academic Advisor for first and second year students in the Wildlife, Environmental Science & Management and Forestry departments. Gilly's duties include meeting regularly with students to provide sound advising for course schedules, making recommendations on progress towards degree and helping freshmen and sophomore students to create personalized graduation plans. She can also connect you to relevant and appropriate resources that will help you make the most of your time in college.

    Gilly also teaches WLDF 111 - Introduction to Wildlife. This class is open to all students, whether they have declared the Wildlife major or would like to know more about the program, resources and potential careers.

  • Antoine Chery

    Antoine Chery

    Stockroom Manager

    The Wildlife and Fisheries stockroom is filled with equipment and supplies to support teaching and research such as binoculars and spotting scopes, mammal live-traps, aquatic sampling devices, GPS units, etc. With proper training, many of the items can be checked out to students enrolled is Wildlife classes for individual projects.

  • Anna E. Goldman

    Anna E. Goldman

    Wildlife Museum Curator

    As curator of the wildlife museum, Anna prepares, catalogs, and maintains bird and mammal specimens and exhibits for classes and research. Areas of research interests include vertebrate and invertebrate ecology, trophic interactions, and using natural history collections to further our understanding of change over time. Ultimately, she considers herself a naturalist and wants to inspire students' curiosity with the natural world. In addition, she is the primary contact person for Humboldt County for the Marine Wildlife Care Center within the Oiled Wildlife Care Network along the California coast. 

  • JoAnna Pifferini

    JoAnna Pifferini

    Administrative Support Coordinator II