Emily Cate

Emily Cate
Graduation Year: 

Emily graduated with an M.S. in 2016 and is now a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in southern California, working on threatened and endangered species management. Emily received her Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in statistics from James Madison University in 2013. Her undergraduate research focused on ecological modeling of beetle populations. In addition, she participated in fieldwork assessing the impact of elephants on their local environment in South Africa. Since then she  volunteered with USGS in New Mexico performing vegetation surveys, elk behavioral observations, mule deer telemetry surveys, and black bear site investigations. Her thesis focused on studying how small mammal movements and foraging mediate extinction risk in a critically endangered and range-restricted plant, Lassics lupine (Lupinus constancei). This research was supported by the USFWS-Arcata Field Office.