Graduate Student Research Topics
Current Students
Thesis: Using Landscape Dynamic Simulations to Model Mexican Spotted Owl’s Habitat and Connectivity Response to Future Fire Regimes and Climate Change Scenarios |
Read about Charlotte's Research Advisor: Jeff Black |
Advisor: Jeff Black |
Thesis: Behavior and distribution of tundra and trumpeter swans wintering in Skagit valley, WA, USA Advisor: Jeff Black |
Thesis: North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) seasonal prey selection of waterbirds based on availability and vulnerability Advisor: Jeff Black |
Thesis: Using Genetic Analysis to Determine Kinship and Sociality Among River Otters Along the Humboldt County Coast, California Advisor: Jeff Black |
Advisor: Barbara Clucas |
Thesis: Common Raven Abundance in Gunnison Sage Grouse Habitat Advisor: Barbara Clucas |
Thesis: Spatial Ecology of Ravens Advisor: Barbara Clucas |
Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Thesis: Examining conservation importance of slash pile management on private timberlands in northern California Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Breana Hernandez |
Thesis: Wetland biodiversity surveyed via eDNA Advisor: Sharon Kahara, Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Thesis: A Case Study in Integrating Federal, Tribal, and State Legislation to Support Northern California Condor Restoration Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Do rangeland management practices incentivized by California's Healthy Soils Program confer co-benefits for both birds and ranchers? Read about Ximena Gil's Research Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Effects of vegetation on the behavior of hunting barn owls (Tyto furcata) and their prey Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Examining the effects of songbird nest boxes on ecosystem services and avian community composition in Napa Valley vineyards Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Physiological conditions of barn owl (Tyto furcata) nestlings as indicators of habitat quality within the wine-growing region of Napa Valley Read about Christian's Research Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Predator-prey interactions affect ecosystem services on Napa Valley vineyards Read about Katherine's Research Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Testing Adaptive Flexibility in Breeding Swainson’s Hawk Territory Habitat Selection Read about Elizabeth's Research Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: Testing Vegetation Composition as a Predictor of Soil Organic Carbon on Working lands in California Using a Voluntary Monitoring Network Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Thesis: The use of social information for prospecting and nest site selection by Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) Advisor: Matthew Johnson |
Breana Hernandez |
Thesis: Wetland biodiversity surveyed via eDNA Advisor: Sharon Kahara, Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther |
Advisor: Ho Yi Wan |
Brittany Welch |
Thesis: Brittany will be investigating habitat requirements of migrating and non-migrating populations of Lewis's Woodpeckers in Oregon. Advisor: Ho Yi Wan |
Thesis: Understanding wildlife habitat in tropical mountain cloud forests in Panama using landscape ecological models. Advisor: Ho Yi Wan |
Janelle Chojnacki, 2024
Thesis: Common Raven Resource Selection, Diet and Behavior around a Threatened Shorebird
Advisor: Barbara Clucas
Maddie Ybarra, 2024
Thesis: The effects of native perennial cover on avian physiological indicators of habitat quality in California coastal prairie rangelands.
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Jaime Carlino, 2024
Thesis: Measuring barn owl breeding habitat quality and predicting double brooding
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Laura Echávez, 2023
Thesis: Polymorphism of barn owls in a managed ecosystem
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Samantha Chavez, 2023
Thesis: Maximizing the use of a natural avian predator for pest control in an agricultural system
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Jessica Guenther, 2022
Thesis: Do Steller's jays respond to human providers?
Advisor: Jeff Black
Ashley Hansen, 2022
Thesis: Use of an avian predator as a biological control agent in agricultural systems: Do barn owls (Tyto alba) impact rodent abundance in a vineyard setting?
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Frank Juma Ong'ondo, 2021
Thesis: Bird abundance and diversity in shade coffee and natural forest in Kenya
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Adam Mohr, 2020
Thesis: Spatial ecology for two subspecies of elk in California
Advisor: William "Tim" Bean
Claire Nasr, 2019
Thesis: Identifying spatial overlap and seasonal variation between human and seabird use along the Trinidad Coast to better predict timing and location of potential disturbance events
Advisor: Daniel Barton
Allison Huysman, 2019
Thesis: Barn owl hunting responses to wine country wildfires.
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Kelly Commons , 2017
Thesis: Mobbing behavior in wild Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stelleri)
Advisor: Jeff Black
Trinity Tippin , 2017
Thesis: Propensity of predator mimicry in wild Steller's jays
Advisor: Jeff Black
Alexis Dejoannis, 2016
Thesis: A description of pre-alternate molt in snowy plovers.
Advisor: Mark Colwell
Teresa King, 2016
Thesis: An experimental test of response by Common Ravens to nest exclosures
Advisor: Mark Colwell
Derek Harvey , 2015
Thesis: Innovative problem solving in wild Steller's jays
Advisor: Jeff Black
Brendan Leigh , 2015
Thesis: Habitat shifts and food intake in American Wigeon Anas americana in winter.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Bryan Daniels , 2014
Thesis: Activity budgets, daily energy expenditure and energetic model of Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans during winter and spring along the Lower Alaska Peninsula.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Josh Cocke , 2013
Thesis: Observations of Aleutian Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) breeding on Buldir Island, Alaska: forty-seven years after the discovery of a remnant population
Advisor: Jeff Black
Pia Gabriel , 2012
Thesis: Steller’s jay behavioural syndromes.Technische Universität München, Germany.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Kyle Spragens , 2010
Thesis: Aleutian goose response to facilitation by livestock grazing regimes in coastal pastures.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Penny Spiering Becker, 2010
Thesis: The genetics, behaviour and success of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (PhD)
Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther
Susannah Ferson , 2008
Thesis: Manipulation of food quality and quantity by black brant geese
Advisor: Jeff Black
Emily Bjerre , 2007
Thesis: Optimal grit : investigating grit acquisition and site use by black brant
Advisor: Jeff Black
Chris Tonra, 2006
Thesis: Hatching Synchrony in Brown-Headed Cowbirds: The influence of host density, chick gender, and habitat.
Advisor: Matthew Johnson
Anne Mini , 2005
Thesis: Energetic expenditure of Aleutian Canada geese experiencing different management regimes.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Ken Griggs , 2003
Thesis: Parental investment in Western Canada geese.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Derek Lee , 2002
Thesis: Spring stopover of black brant geese at Humboldt Bay, CA.
Advisor: Jeff Black
John Quinn , 2000
Thesis: Relationship between red-breasted geese and peregrine falcons during the breeding season, Oxford University, England.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Friederike Woog , 1999
Thesis: Dominance and dispersal of Hawaiian geese, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Glynn Young , 1995
Thesis: The systematic position of Meller's Duck: a behavioural approach, University of Kent, England.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Friederike Woog , 1993
Thesis: Ecology of Hawaiian geese in habitats of Haleakala National Park, Maui, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Advisor: Jeff Black
Sharmila Choudhury , 1992
Thesis: Mate choice in barnacle geese, Oxford University.
Advisor: Jeff Black